Author name: Aparna Ramesh K

Embracing Imperfections

Recently, a friend of mine commented on my branding exercise and said ‘so you’re doing all these stuff, creating videos, helping people, improving self .. you must be nearly perfect’. It was then that stuck me, are people really thinking that ? I mean I’m happy if people are calling me perfect but that is […]

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Laws of Goal Setting

This blog is originally created for Coach To Transformation. If there is one thing that I loved and obsessed since the beginning of my career, it was to organise, plan and set goals for myself. I read every possible book, article published, heard over and over what influencers were talking about how they set their

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What Are You Thinking?

It is said that the world you see, is what you think you see. What you think is eventually, what you will become. It took me few years of observing and understanding my self to realise the power of this sentence. Let me explain. Last year, I made a decision to jump out from a

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Personal Coaching 101

Coaching is a thought-provoking and creative process that inspires people to maximise their personal and professional potential. Coaching is to help individuals reach potential and not to solve problems. It is generative, not remedial. It’s all about empowering individuals to achieve desired growth, learn from their own experiences and to maximise their potential. It is

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Quick Fix to Negative Thoughts

We are all plagued by negative thoughts and we know they aren’t good for us. It affects our self confidence and spirals us down the rabbit hole. Typically when you try meditation, exercising or diverting your mind, it will help you ease the rush of negative thoughts albeit, temporarily. Which is why you need to

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Mood Swings – Tools & Triggers

Happy, sad, frustrated, irritated, blah, angry, depressed, cranky, Blah! We all have our moods Moods are the state of our emotions. Happy positive moods.. set us up for success. It’s when we are at our best, behaviours and actions-wise Negative moods typically create more drama in our lives. This is when we assume things, create

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