Author name: Aparna Ramesh K

Achieving Work-Life Balance

As a coach, I get to hear a lot about work-life balance. People often feel guilty for putting more effort at work that they enjoy; they are apologetic for enjoying something and be called as workaholic or career-oriented with a negative connotation. To some, work is life and they enjoy every bit of it. The […]

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The Choices We Make

Few weeks ago, I received an anonymous quote as a forward – “Everything you do is based on the choices you make. It’s not your parents, your past relationships, your job, the economy, the weather, an argument, or your age that is to blame. You and only you are responsible for every decision and choice

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My experiments with Minimalism

For a few years now I am fascinated by the concept of minimalism. I used to love watching minimalism videos and was amazed at how people can live with so less. I’ve learnt that as a minimalist you need to Easier said than done I guess. Although I was able to reduce considerably, decluttering was

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Clarity in Confusion

Human brain is amazing and it continues to keep our scientists and neurologists busy. But with the constant flow of information in today’s world our brain can go into hyperdrive and result into the concept called information overload. With this comes the state of confusion. When you are in the confused you could go through

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Are you breathing properly?

The only thing that stays with us, from the time we’re born to the time we die.. is our breath.Everything else changes, your friends, family, jobs, situations and time.. everything except your breath. But does your breath ever change? Of course it does when you’re stressed, or angry or sad; happy or excited. Every emotion

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How to control Overthinking

Do you stress about what others are saying, what they are doing or not doing; or create stories in your head about reactions? Well.. if you are, then you’re clearly overthinking. Thinking is good. We all have to use our brains for greater good. It is what separates us from all other beings on this

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Art of Self Love

Amongst all relationships you will ever have in your life….the best one is with yourself. Feelings and actions have complicated relationship with each other. The way you feel will be the way you behave. And more importantly treat yourself like how you’d treat someone you love. With gentle kindness and compassion. And you can do

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Priming Your Brain

Have you ever struggled with a short attention span? With increasing distractions it seems our attention is lesser than the goldfish. Not sure why we are compared to goldfish but these days distractions are everywhere. As a working mother, I had to multitask all the time. And when you multitask for years together, retaining focus

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