Have you ever struggled with a short attention span? With increasing distractions it seems our attention is lesser than the goldfish. Not sure why we are compared to goldfish but these days distractions are everywhere.
As a working mother, I had to multitask all the time. And when you multitask for years together, retaining focus on a single task became very difficult. I still use the word – difficult but it’s not impossible. There is a way of hacking into your brain so that you can trick it to believe what you want it to.
Brain hacking or mind hacking apparently helps us unlearn some stuff that we’re used to and replace them with what you want at this point of time.
So with that intention today I will share with you one of the powerful brain hacking technique. It’s called ‘Priming’ and using this can help you unlock your true potential.
Priming is a ridiculously simple technique. It involves reciting a given set of words or trigger words that can alter your mindset. Here’s what you can do –
Write down a specific sentence you want to wire into your brain. Say for example for this experiment you can use one of your specific goals. Now put a date next to that goal.

Let’s take this sentence ‘Lose 10 kilos by 31 December 2018’
Now read this aloud continuously couple of times making sure you point at the words as you read them.
So what happens when you do it repeatedly?
Neuroscientists have proved that the neurons or our brain cells that fire together, wire together. This means when you use your senses of sight touch and sound, several braincells come together creating a pattern of thinking. When you repeatedly reinforce this sentence, it creates a strong automatic pattern in your brain that causes you to think, feel and do things differently so your reality changes.
Let me repeat that – this action causes you to think, feel and do things differently so your reality changes.
You must understand that our actions are largely dependent on both internal and external influences. Internal influences are our beliefs, experiences and habits. External influences are your mobile device, the social media, Newspapers, TV news channels.
Priming your brain can benefit you in many ways –
- You become in charge of your own thoughts and actions
- Helps you delete distractions & negate influencers
- Helps you focus more on what you want in your life
- Helps you to take conscious decisions
- Helps you to become more mindful
- Helps you enjoy your life more
Let me assure you, priming your brain is not brainwashing. It cannot make you do what you don’t want to do. However it can help you get into a state of mind that will be more useful to you in a given situation or task.
And since it is so simple, there is nothing really that you can lose. So why not try this and see if it works for you. Should you need more information or help in how you can prime your brain to get what you want, do connect with me.
Here is the video version of this blog. Hope you like it