
Stop Assuming!

I was excited about this big presentation, I wanted to make to impress a group of people who have asked me to speak. I had prepared a great PowerPoint but no matter how much I tried, I was unable to connect to the projector. Time was getting wasted and the audience was getting restless. I […]

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How To Motivate Yourself Daily!

Remember the time you got all pumped up about something – a new idea or opportunity and pushed yourself hard. But after few days, you got bored. The idea doesnt seem exciting anymore, the process isn’t fun and you wondered if this is really worthy of your time. And then you see someone who achieves

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My experiments with Minimalism

For a few years now I am fascinated by the concept of minimalism. I used to love watching minimalism videos and was amazed at how people can live with so less. I’ve learnt that as a minimalist you need to Easier said than done I guess. Although I was able to reduce considerably, decluttering was

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Art of Self Love

Amongst all relationships you will ever have in your life….the best one is with yourself. Feelings and actions have complicated relationship with each other. The way you feel will be the way you behave. And more importantly treat yourself like how you’d treat someone you love. With gentle kindness and compassion. And you can do

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Quick Fix to Negative Thoughts

We are all plagued by negative thoughts and we know they aren’t good for us. It affects our self confidence and spirals us down the rabbit hole. Typically when you try meditation, exercising or diverting your mind, it will help you ease the rush of negative thoughts albeit, temporarily. Which is why you need to

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