
Developing a Winning Attitude

You know already that having a winning attitude will catapult your life to a different level. You may also know that attitude are formed by the influences we have in our lives; which come from our beliefs, values, culture and experiences. But regardless of these, is it possible to change our attitude? Is it possible

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How do you inspire others?

If you engage on social media you will relate to the word ‘influencer’Now, there is a whole industry out there of influencers and online celebrities.If you follow them, they are constantly in your feeds and in a way on your mind- influencing you at every step of the way.We like influencers because we aspire to

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Recognising Influences

Have you ever been trouble by negative thoughts? Imagine you’re complimented over a presentation or appreciated for your work, would you lose your sleep thinking about it? Nope.​​ However, you will lose your sleep when someone criticise or insult you. Why do you think we give so much power to negative thoughts? Turns out, the

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My experiments with Minimalism

For a few years now I am fascinated by the concept of minimalism. I used to love watching minimalism videos and was amazed at how people can live with so less. I’ve learnt that as a minimalist you need to Easier said than done I guess. Although I was able to reduce considerably, decluttering was

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Are you breathing properly?

The only thing that stays with us, from the time we’re born to the time we die.. is our breath.Everything else changes, your friends, family, jobs, situations and time.. everything except your breath. But does your breath ever change? Of course it does when you’re stressed, or angry or sad; happy or excited. Every emotion

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How to control Overthinking

Do you stress about what others are saying, what they are doing or not doing; or create stories in your head about reactions? Well.. if you are, then you’re clearly overthinking. Thinking is good. We all have to use our brains for greater good. It is what separates us from all other beings on this

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Creating Habits That Work

Did you know that the most popular new year resolution is in Diet, exercise and weight loss area? Did you also know that a staggering 92% of all new year resolutions fail by February. Neilsen conducted a popular survey of resolutions and the one that comes right on the top every year across globe is

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What Are You Thinking?

It is said that the world you see, is what you think you see. What you think is eventually, what you will become. It took me few years of observing and understanding my self to realise the power of this sentence. Let me explain. Last year, I made a decision to jump out from a

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