Signature Programs

Leader as a Coach

This immersive program is designed to equip you, the leader, with the tools and mindset that of a coach. Learn the art of coaching, develop emotional intelligence, and provide effective feedback to drive growth and performance within your organisation.


Program Highlights

Welcome to our transformative “Leader as a Coach” program, where you’ll discover the key to unlocking your leadership potential and empowering your teams for unparalleled success.

What Sets Us Apart:

  • Engaging and practical exercises to apply coaching techniques in real-life scenarios.
  • Role-plays and case studies to develop your coaching proficiency.
  • Insights from experienced coaching facilitators and industry leaders.
  • Networking opportunities to connect with like-minded professionals.
  • Resource materials for continuous learning and growth.

By the end of the program, you will be able to

  • Shift from authoritative to a coaching mindset
  • develop active listening skills
  • help team members set SMART goals
  • deliver constructive feedback effectively
  • build trust and psychological safety
  • coach through challenges and difficulties
  • support team members’ professional development
  • overcome coaching challenges with effective strategies
  • empower teams through delegation and autonomy
  • create a positive organizational culture
  • improve employee engagement and performance
  • create a personalized action plan for coaching integration.

Who Should Attend?

  • Aspiring leaders seeking to enhance their leadership capabilities.
  • Team leaders, managers, and supervisors.
  • HR professionals committed to fostering a coaching culture.
  • Anyone interested in empowering others to reach their full potential.
Why Attend

Why Attend?​

  • Boost team performance by changing your leadership approach, and watch as your team becomes more productive and efficient.
  • Cultivate a culture of growth : by changing your leadership approach, and watch as your team becomes more productive and efficient.
  • Create an environment where people thrive and feel encouraged in their professional development by cultivating a culture of growth.
  • Enhance your leadership brand and gain recognition as a leader who invests in the success of their team.
  • Expand your network: Connect with fellow professionals on a similar journey to become exceptional leaders.

Interested to know more?

Schedule a 30-minute ‘no commitment’ call with our Program Director to explore the details. 

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