Mental Health

Strengthen Your Resilience!

Resilience is the capacity to recover quickly from difficulties; also known as bouncing back or moving on. Just like a rubber band that can be stretched to its limits but eventually when the pressure reduces, it comes back to its original form. Similarly, if the pressures of your world are stretching you to limits, coming […]

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Preventing Depression

“I’ve got 10,000 friends online who know everything about my life. My birthday, how I celebrated them, where I went for my vacation and what are the happy moments of my life. The joys of my life are all online. But when I’m sad and depressed, I don’t want to put it online. Maybe because

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Is something wrong with me?

How many times have such thoughts crossed your mind? How do they make you feel? When things don’t go the way you wanted them to, such thoughts are obvious to occur in your mind. But what you need to notice is, if such thoughts are temporary or are you looping in them more often? Because

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How to control Overthinking

Do you stress about what others are saying, what they are doing or not doing; or create stories in your head about reactions? Well.. if you are, then you’re clearly overthinking. Thinking is good. We all have to use our brains for greater good. It is what separates us from all other beings on this

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Embracing Imperfections

Recently, a friend of mine commented on my branding exercise and said ‘so you’re doing all these stuff, creating videos, helping people, improving self .. you must be nearly perfect’. It was then that stuck me, are people really thinking that ? I mean I’m happy if people are calling me perfect but that is

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